sabato 4 maggio 2013

My Tea Bag Holder collection

"Extasy is a glass full of tea and a piece of sugar in the mouth"
Alexander Puskin *

I love the "Tea Bag Holder" or little dishes for tea-bags. I have some from different places and to show these pictures I wrote a short story about their origin...:)

Adoro i "Tea Bag Holder" ovvero i meravigliosi piattini porta bustine da té. Ne ho alcuni provenienti da diversi luoghi e per mostrarvi queste foto racconto brevemente l'origine della bustina...:)

Royal Albert Teapot and cup, Ginori dish,
Tea box from Leeds Castle (Kent, England)

Teabag holder from Chester

Teabag holder from Chester
The first tea bags appeared in the early twentieth century in the form of hand-sewn silk bags and were created by Thomas Sullivan a New York importer to distribute samples of his tea to dealers and customers.

Le prime bustine da tè comparvero agli inizi del novecento sottoforma di sacchetti di seta cuciti a mano e furono create da Thomas Sullivan importatore newyorkese per distribuire i campioni del suo tè a rivenditori e clienti.

Teabag holder from Provence
Teabag holder from Siracusa (Sicily - Italy)

Teabag holder from Siracusa (Sicily - Italy)
Later it was considered much more comfortable identifying a type of bag that could be immersed directly in the water without removing the product from the inside.

Successivamente fu ritenuto molto più comodo  individuare un tipo di bustina che potesse essere immersa direttamente nell’acqua senza dover rimuovere il prodotto dall’interno.

Teabag holder from Liverpool

A gift from Italy

Teabag holder from Glamis Castle (Scotland)

In August 1920, Benjamin Hirschhorn and his brother Louis file a patent application in the USA for a ‘tea cartridge’. It is made from a textile fabric gathered at the top by string, with a tag at the end to act as a handle.

Nel mese di agosto del 1920, i fratelli Benjamin  e Louis Hirschhorn presentarono domanda di brevetto negli Stati Uniti per un 'cartuccia da té' realizzata con un  tessuto tessile riunito in alto da stringa con una etichetta come impugnatura.

Teabag holder from a vintage market

But it was only after the Second World War, when Joseph Tetley and Co began to mass-produce tea bags in 1953.

Ma fu solo dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, quando Joseph Tetley e Co cominciarono a bustine di tè produrre in serie nel 1953.

*Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799 – 1837) was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799 - 1837) fu un autore russo dell'era Romantica. E' considerato da molti il più grande poeta e il fondatore della letteratura russa moderna.

7 commenti:

  1. What a fun post! I enjoyed the history of the tea bag. You have a wonderful tea bag holder collection. I bet they hold wonderful memories of your travels for you. Happy Tea Day!

  2. I just love your collection of tea bag holders. I used to have some, but somehow they disappeared during the many moves. I have recently found some tiny china dishes I now use to hold the bags. But I do love the ones shaped like tea pots. You have many pretty ones. Your May tea cup is very lovely! I adore Lily of the Valley!
    What a pretty tea chest too! You are all set! Happy Tea day!

  3. Helo Good morning, I'm your newest follower, Janice from Mz Witherspoons love just love your tea bag holders they are all wonderful..I too have the Lily of the Valley Tea cup..wishing you a bright and sunny day with love Janice

  4. Hi; I love the idea of collecting tea bag holders. I will have to share mine. I am so grateful for ladies like you who love to educate us. Your post was great. Have a wonderful Mother's Day. Blessings, Martha

  5. Thanks to all for your kind comments. I appreciate them very much! I think it's really fabulous to share our passions! :)

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