mercoledì 9 settembre 2015

Time for tea!

“Surely a pretty woman never looks prettier 
than when making tea.” 
Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Finally I am back on this blog! So many ideas, so many things done but I had so little time to write and publish them!
It's autumn time! The days are shorter, the air fresher ... I immediately wanted to arrange a lovely tea party!
On the web I found this design ... it gives me some good tips on my tea time ... what do you think?:)

Finalmente ritorno su questo blog! Tante idee, tante cose realizzate ma così poco tempo per scrivere e pubblicare! 
E' autunno! Le giornate sono più corte, l'aria un po' più frizzantina...a me vien subito voglia di organizzare un bel Tea Party:)
Sul web ho trovato questo disegno...mi da dei bei suggerimenti ...che ne dite?:)

If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.” 
William Ewart Gladstone
(Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)

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